I’m home. This feels #peaceful.

I’m trying to #redesign my #life.

After a #spinalcordinjury that I stayed #ambulatory with. (Yes-we exist-we are called spinal cord walkers)

It is different than back problems-it’s my spinal cord. The connection to my brain.

It is at #t7-10 level.

The #lifethreatening one.☝????

I attempted to go to #school- before I ended up homeless-and they dropped my funding-one week before Christmas in #2022-(once my life is re-ordered, I would have been able to afford to pay ???? at that time-(yeah-just like everyone else-cause I have NEVER received or expected a hand out in my life????????️)

Instead it has been one hardship and complication after the other.

Along with #medical being dishonorable. #belfastmaine

Without adequate seriousness being taken in my situation-it has caused this to be much more horrible than an already horrible situation would be.

I’ve been denied #disability 3 times!!!! With an ambulatory spinal cord injury & CPTSD. ????????️

(I know people who lied and got disabiity for their fake ptsd……????????????️)

The judge #denied me, I’ve been waiting since September of 2021!!!! Despite more than enough #medicalevidence and otherwise——-????????️

I’m awaiting a 4th trial!!!!! ????????️

I’m not looking for a hand out.

I have never been a #woman who received one and I have always #worked super hard for everything I have—and had (since I had to get rid of over half my belongings because of all this????️????????????????)

This is to RE-DESIGN my LIFE!!!

So-it’s been horrible.

Thanks to any and everyone who has #listened to my story-helped contribute to my #gofundme

Or helped amplify the many situations I have been actively #peacefullyprotesting for and being #tormented for, for the past 3+ years now.

Using #art #music #dance & #socialmedia ????????️????????

Hopefully over the next few months some #blessings and #miracles will occur.
