Lemon 🍋 dish soap $1

2 Green sponges 🧽 $1

7 trash 🗑 bags $1

6 rolls of toilet paper 🧻 $1

1 toothbrush 🪥 $1

Thank you for helping me with these necessary items and more!

⚠️ Did you know that women who are crippled are 80%more likely to be sex trafficked??

⚠️🗑Did you know that often times men with connections abuse intimate partners to traffic them???

⚠️Did you know women without an income & people listening to what is happening-

We are in DANGER?

Thanks for helping me NARROWLY avoid being trafficked in my old age. As a 38 celibate for four years now, cripple woman-who just wanted consistency and stability all my life. Just a reminder though-no one deserves to be crippled or trafficked ⚠️🧿🗑

⚠️Did you know our amazing state MAINE has an incredibly high rate of sex trafficked and human trafficked individuals. It’s happening right under your noses-I’m not sorry for pointing it out-no matter who 🗑 is upset about it. ⚠️🌶

Again-thanks for all who have helped or listened or better yet-helped make changes to bring awareness to this and make a safer community, state, country and maybe someday even world. Yay!

I have attempted to bring awareness to the very lacking and broken systems in society that required and demand attention.

I have given very clear and logical explanations for what I have experienced and how it has affected me.

Aside from their being no human justice served to people that have harmed me in my life-

My attempts have been on bringing awareness to these issues to create a conversation for change that would allow for a better and safer society.

After three shoulder repairs in one year-the third being the most invasive and also including two bicep tendon repairs was in September of 2019. I required 3 surgeries because my ex picked me up and body slammed me off our bed one week before my first surgery. This affected my collarbone which then acted as a saw to those bicep tendons and no matter how much they shaved down the acromion, it didn’t seem to help….

In may of 2020 only 8 months after that third and most invasive surgery my ex crippled my spine-causing an ambulatory spinal cord injury-I didn’t know those existed until I had one-not a spine or vertebrae issue-a Spinal cord injury. This one that I have a life threatening level. T7-10. That’s why I was losing consciousness. I learned it’s called autonomic dysreflexia in January of 2022. This spine hit happened May 10, 2020.

Despite being very crippled I didn’t want my ex to ruin my life any longer so I attempted to get back to work. Trying 5 different jobs before applying for disability. All of which made adjustments for me & I was still losing consciousness from autonomic dysreflexia.

I saved enough money to apply for Disabiity after working and paying in for twenty two years.

I didn’t want to use all my money up. I wanted to receive Disabiity long enough to REDESIGN my life as a crippled woman. That means I need to work from home now.

I personally-loved my life before. I liked waitressing and bartending very much, loved dancing and teaching yoga, singing a little on the side, walking dogs, hiking all the time. I enjoyed making money and saving money to invest in my future.

Unfortunately I didn’t plan on any of these injuries happening or being with an abusive man.

If Disabiity had approved me the first time I asked-I could have

🚗 Kept my car on the road and added hand controls.

🛵Been able to afford appropriate adaptive equipment

📚Gotten my degree to have a job from home

🏡saved for my land and been able to afford a place to live

Within a short time I would have been self sufficient again-even disabled and could have been contributing to society in a positive way-certainly by now-if not sooner.

Instead I had to give away over half my belongings, leave on foot with a walker and spinal cord injury, seek medical refuge, ask for help, sleep on a sidewalk and live in situations you wouldn’t want to.

These two waking sticks I purchased in Vancouver at Walmart for about 20$ each. They are better than my actual sticks I was using before 🌲🌲

The little rubber on the bottom had good reverb-before it wore down from using them! 🛑

Given the shoulder surgeries I had, using stick ambulatory devices isn’t necessarily ideal, these aren’t the ones required for this injury either-but they are the best substitute I’ve found so far. Using two is better than one and helps prevent drop foot. Caused from my thorocolumbar radioculopathy and the spinal cord injury I have from blunt force trauma.

Thankfully the dollar store is real close.

Only two miles away.

There you can find these wonderful household items.

Without the help I have received I wouldn’t be able to afford any of these items or even still be alive.

Thank you.

#awareness #stability #maine #humantraffickingawareness #woman #life #freedom #crippled #🍋 #🧿 #⚠️ #🪥 #🧻#domesticassaultawareness #🗑 #7 #usa #world #oppression #silencing #safer #youknowwhy #truth #wakeup #riseup #privilege

The issue I’m having, is I’m speaking up where I live and I’ve lived my whole life. I know ‘so much’ because I’ve LIVED through hell.

The issue is that those that put you through the hell you survived, don’t want it common knowledge.

Especially the women. They are some of the most horrible ones when it’s time to speak the truth and the most dangerous to you when you speak up.

They know which of us are isolated and they know who to go to, to make sure it stays that way.

When you are abused young and then enter into a society that allows for young girls and women to be preyed upon, you aren’t ever going to have successful community relations or safety. You open it up to allow others to continue this oppression, exploitation, rape, abuse and scapegoating of our youth.

I am a 38 year old, unmarried & celibate woman with no kids, speaking up about what I lived through and survived, to attempt to make it safer for everyone here, even the children of those that put me through this.

Who is going to tell the young girls and young women about date rape drugs that are placed into party cups like koolaid to water?

Causing us to be drugged without knowing and unable to use our voice, unable to have any control of our bodies and have faint memories of being passed around by men or whoever is in a room you end up in? In these moments I have tried to scream, tried to use my body, but I am like a rag doll, limp and unable to scream or fight back. It teaches a complacency and also grooms young women to be more likely to give what a man wants, instead of being forced anyways.

When you are put through this after parties, proms, clubs, etc.

What happens to our youth?

Mean girls bully you, men and boys target you, addicts use you and the cycle continues.

In my area there is an ongoing race war (there should be NO race war anywhere, as my family always said, “there are good and bad in every culture, race and religion”)there is also a war between corrupt government and dealers that helps exploit that race war.

Instead of speaking about sustainable and practical solutions for all, their continued desire to fuel the same fueds, continues.

Women like me are labeled as ‘crazy,’ used as scapegoats and EVERYONE ends up unsafe. No child will be protected in such environments, no matter how much people who cause damage think they are untouchable.

When I was a teenager going through this I also purchased a British bikini that I loved. I wore it all the time, my friends and family would laugh and say, “what flag is on that bikini are you wearing?” & I would say “the British one”

It wasn’t British. It was a confederate flag bikini and I had no clue until I was older. I had African friends that were ALWAYS safe for me, that I wore this around. Can you imagine what I felt like realizing that so many people thought this was amusing? I was horrified that no one said a word. Racist is the last thing I am and African heritage is something I am incredibly proud is in my bloodline. I am a lineage of royal blood and a product of slaves as well. It is a complicated mixed bloodline that I am connected to. So now in addition to already being raped by the white kids when I’m dark, I’m targeted by the colored, when I’m too white. (Not my African friends, they were ALWAYS safe, but the white fisherman that went to my high school who passed me around after drugging me, after prom weren’t safe….there is an active kkk here, the ‘N word’ is used derogatorily here, I was taught not to use it at all and it was known I had many friends of different races and was obvious I was mixed race, especially with my tan) Many of us with mixed ancestry are light and dark. Who is going to keep us safe?

Why didn’t anyone in my family or friends say anything to me about that?

When boys your in school with use you, to parade you around in front of their dealer to receive free drugs in exchange for your body being exploited, when your there to drink and be a ‘normal teen’ but these kids want drugs and don’t care about exploiting you for it. The same group of people who contribute to your being drugged and raped. I had one kid I went to school with, hold me hostage when we were teenagers, refusing to bring me home until I slept with him. By the time I convinced him to bring me home, I was hysterical. Uncontrollably crying. As an autistic woman I already didn’t have the communication abilities to speak about these incidents. Who was I supposed to talk to? When the girls are frenemies and the boys are using you and society doesn’t want to talk about it……what happens to our youth?

No matter how many times my dad said, “if someone touches you without permission, tell us” I NEVER told them. Ever. They didn’t know any of this, until now, if they read it. So what about today’s youth?

What about the children of those, that put me through this?

I’ll tell you what is going to happen, similar to what happened to me.

If you all don’t want to change, it won’t.

Your young girls and women will become embarrassed about what they  live through, usually realizing too late this is not acceptable or even legal behavior.

I was NEVER embarrassed I was poor.

I was embarrassed I was abused, embarrassed I was raped and exploited, embarrassed and had no idea how I was supposed to process ANY of this.I didn’t even know I was autistic until I was in my mid 30s.

As young girls and women we weren’t even educated on this!

Who’s going to explain to young women this occurs and let them know it isn’t ok and that as a whole, we are DONE as women, done as community members, allowing this to happen to ANYONES child!

I had unforgivable experiences through my teen years and after being gang raped at a busy port, tied up with a bag over my head, I became even further removed from stereotypical neurotypical behavior.

I lived out of my car, I was an emotional mess. Thank god for my gay friends. 🌈 The ONLY ones in my life to NEVER  let anything happen to me, no matter what got into my drink!

I didn’t even know how to process what I experienced. So I just kept moving forward. Kept working. Kept trying to find love. Kept believing it would all be ok.

Guess what happens when you go through so much and it makes a wealthy area look bad?

They want you SILENCED!

Do you think anyone wants to let it be known what I lived through?

These are people who put me through hell and then I waited on after, as a local waitress and bartender for twenty two years.

As a twenty two year old woman, when I lived in Rockland, I let a man sleep on my couch, separated from my room by a door. The Door was closed. We didn’t even share affection in any way. I woke up to him having taken my pants off, taken my tampon out and being ready to penetrate me. I pushed him off me and projected calm energy. He walked me to my early morning job, walked in with me, sat down, ordered food and ate it. My first customer of the day. I didn’t report it. I didn’t tell any more than one person, she is dead now. I DID confront him later about it, when I found out he had done it to many women. That felt good to do.

The decided remedy for me speaking up is to act like, I was crazy, trying to erase me, make me seem unaccountable, unstable, etc. the usual actions of horrific members of a corrupt inhumane society.

I’m speaking up to make it SAFER for everyone. I don’t care who is bothered by it!


No child or young woman should go through what I have lived through.

I was fortunate that when it comes to drugs I only lightly experimented & never became an addict. I used alcohol as a teen & part of my early 20s as a coping mechanism, but I found my inner strength and reconnected to myself and built the foundations for a good life. I was a social drinker so I quit drinking because I saved a lot of money not going out and spending it on drinking with ‘friends.’

If I had been blessed with a partner who had good intentions, my life could have been magick. I could have found love, been happily married and I would have a family of my own.

Instead I was harmed because abusive men knew, I already had the ‘chips stacked against me.’ (A poker reference though I have only played few times and never gambled or even done more than walk through a casino, in Aruba at 16) 🎰

Now I’m a 38 year old CELIBATE crippled woman, because of domestic violence and an attempted disappearing of me via human trafficking. I haven’t let ANYONE near me in four years, other than my gay friends.

My business, being purposely exploited negatively by women and men, making me more unsafe.

I’m attempting to REDESIGN a life after I lived through hell, speaking up in the area that I lived through the hell and being forced into oppression, so that I won’t be believed.

THIS is how human trafficking occurs so easily and under your noses. Traffickers know where to prey on people and who to choose.

When anyone from ‘outside’ tries to help, they either are paid off and silenced too, or everyone pretends everything is ‘just fine here.’

Let’s educate our youth, speak up as adults who survived hell and actually amplify the voices of women like me who lived through absolute hell, even if you don’t like to hear it.

I spent my life listening to the complaints of people that had a pretty ‘white bread’ life and I NEVER made them feel bad about how their experiences made them feel, here is what I LIVED through. Some of it anyways. Now you know.

I won’t be embarrassed anymore by what others put me through. Or their attempts to discredit me.

Believe what you need to.

To the corrupt government officials covering for their kids, their spouse or themselves, MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!

To the traffickers of human beings and forcing prostitution, MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!

The rest of us have a community we want to keep safe, no matter who we are, where we come from or why we are here.