Medical torture

Words you may not have heard in your life.

Is it medical malpractice?

Not exactly, it certainly could seem that way.

Medical torture is the knowingly covering up of my medical records  to silence, dissuade, and attempt to kill me.


To Kill me.

I have a lot to speak up on, that makes horrible people afraid of being caught.

It was successful as I died of autonomic dysreflexia 7 times,  as a result of blunt force trauma to the spine-

when my ex hit me in the spine with a chair on Mother’s Day, during lockdown, the year 2020.

That’s right-over four years and a few months have passed.

I sought medical care right away. My previous doctor was a client of my ex, who is a hairdresser. He evidently managed to diminish, the very real

Injury, he gave me.

I was certain I would heal. I was Certain everything would be ok.

I sought medical help because I needed it.

He caused me to have Thorocolumbar radioculopathy-

Reminiscent brown sequard syndrome. (An ambulatory spinal cord injury)

Unfortunately at a life threatening level. T7-10.

I should get into all of the injustices that have occurred since…..

I want to focus on why I was medically tortured.

Wait-that’s right, I still have no idea why.

That’s something for the corrupt United States government officials, involved in this to handle.

They are the ones who need to describe WHY they think it is ok to have medically tortured me, stalked; harassed and oppressed me in this time period.

It is not MY job to placate or coddle, the CORRUPT government officials of my country.

I attempted to go to work even with this injury: I was very upfront about my limitations.

I still didn’t know exactly what an ambulatory spinal cord injury was-

I knew I had a spine injury-because that is where my ex hit me, with a metal bottomed chair, knocking me unconscious and causing this life threatening injury.

No matter what approach I took-I just couldn’t seem to heal. What was even more alarming was the projections of those he misled, about what was wrong with me:

That also-isn’t my problem.

Those that were easily fooled and misled by him, can go find a mirror. ???? Look into it and maybe get the help they clearly need.

When I finally got away from my ex abuser; I emailed an ex I dated-while in India in 2015. I had felt him around me spiritually in that time period and I hoped he was well.

We emailed back and forth a few times, not saying much and then spoke on the phone for four hours in January of 2021. Again, not saying much-but conversations,  none the less.

He told me when we were together in India-that his last name-Al Ghamdi-a tribal name-would be targeted in my country because of the Alleged 911 attacks.

He is Saudi Arabian.

He shares the name of a soccer player but is older than him. He is my age.

After we spoke, I began to be followed by lots of helicopters.????

A combination; as stated in previous posts-of what seemed like protection at times but also was harassment-it was a combination of private helicopters and armed forces.

I attended a zoom workshop that Osho ashram of India hosted. It was a Sufi workshop in February of 2021. I had what can only be described as a spiritual awakening. As I’ve posted in the past.

La illaha Il Allah. ????????✨????☀️????

After which I had a phone call with a Pakistani woman who gave me what is known as ‘transmission’ from Shivah to Allah-fire to water.

It can also be described as the sphere of Kether, in Jewish mysticism. As Samahdi in yoga: It is a spiritual concept and understanding of the human being and our divine purpose on earth-in a humble manner.

Imagine the commotion this caused the spiritually lacking-Islamaphobic community I lived.

My singing and participation in such groups and workshops flagged my government-or more accurately, made scared the corrupt government officials who flag names to get away with the drug deals they make-when they need a scapegoat.

Hence propelled  an already bad situation to be even worse.

I had received an mri of my lumbar spine and an X-ray of my thoracic spine in June 12th  of 2020 because of my abusive ex.

I begged the doctor to do imaging of my Thorocolumbar only-because that is what he hit and when all the other issues began.

Including,but not limited to, losing consciousness, inability to eat, right side body numbness into my right leg, pain, severe pain, I hardly slept for two years after that-

me dragging my leg behind me, bowel incontinence.

Walking like a t-Rex, sloth & pirate or falling down like the lochness mermaid.

Lots of spasms. Speech change and a drastic change in my physical capability. Drastic and noticeable to anyone who ever interacted with me. Ever. ????

Later I learned terms like Thorocolumbar radioculopathy-I was diagnosed with that in August of 2020 at the ER.

Even later I learned terms like ‘autonomic dysreflexia’ (why I was dying:losing consciousness)

Neurogenic bowels (why I couldn’t eat)

And the issues that caused these problems, ‘reminiscent brown sequard syndrome’ otherwise known as an ambulatory spinal cord injury.

My ex hit me in my spine 8 months after my third and most invasive shoulder surgery, that involved two bicep tendon repairs. He fractured my collarbone 1 week before my first surgery-thats why I needed thre surgeries in one year.

After attempting multiple jobs-in which I was DYING from Autonomic Dysreflexia (7 times from May 2020 when he hit me, until February of 2022-January of 2022 I learned through the Christopher Reeves site-that term, what caused it, what it meant and ways to help me prevent it and manage it before it began)

This was terrifying. I posted regularly and people seemed completely unphased about it all.

Finally March 5,

2021 they gave me a thoracic mri. I was relieved because I thought-they will

Finally help me!!!

I had already had physical therapy-seen an osteopath every other week since October; seen a neurologist, multiple er visits, my own yoga and meditation practices.

I know the mri picked up what happened to me-

Then it was covered up via coding:

All the existing medical evidence began being altered From a Thorocolumbar issue to listing a lower back issue, which was never once mentioned by me. Ever during this time.

I was very clear about the truth. He hit me in my T7-10 spine and ALL the issues happened AFTER that.

Imagine taking a spine hit and surviving to be treated so horribly:

I will NEVER forgive anyone involved. Ever: they are inhuman to me.

I was pretty alarmed after this mri was covered up.

The helicopter activity began to increase and also many townspeople began what can only be called a ‘psychological experiment’ with me.

If only they had realized what a psychopath my ex was and how much he tormented me-they wouldn’t have bothered.

I had enough going on and am autistic.

That means I can only process so much at a time.

It was Pointless and a waste of their time and mine to even attempt to psychologically mess with me.

Clearly just another testament to their very real privilege and lack of understanding of what I have experienced.

I know the difference between normal helicopter activity and harassment.

I lived in that space from 2017 until September of 2023 when I left on foot with a Walker and spinal cord injury to seek medical refuge.

I applied for disabiity in September of 2021 after saving enough money for the period it would take them to review my claim. There was MORE than enough medical evidence to approve and prove my claim.

I enrolled in school-I have certifications from other countries and only a GED in the USA. I wouldn’t have needed more if my ex hadn’t crippled me:

I began focusing on my art. I got a membership to the ymca to do water therapy. I continued my own exercises and I foolishly believed the United States (corrupt officials in) government would have accountability.

(Take a moment to laugh)

Though it isn’t funny.

Other than this being my life and one body-

Another reason this isn’t amusing, is because this is exactly how innocent Muslims are targeted all the time and whisked away without second thought, because the corrupt government officials involved-claim these Muslims are an extremist.

Townspeople turning a blind eye and foolishly believing it.

These corrupt officials couldn’t, however, get away with saying that in regards to me-because I’ve lived here all my life-much to their horror.

They needed to be much more sneaky about why they were targeting me. And that they attempted. Foolishly and failingly.

I was diagnosed by a physiatrist with ‘reminiscent brown sequard syndrome’ in December of 2021. I asked to see a spinal cord rehabilitation specialist.

My diagnosis was deleted two days later and I was denied the ability to see a specialist.

Medical torture. ????

The college I was going to attend, changed the funding requirements one week before Christmas that year, preventing me from being able to attend.

If I had money, I wouldn’t have needed help.

I was denied disabiity the first time & reapplied right away in the year 2022.

At this time I finally discovered why I was dying, how to not die, and the very different life I needed to design to survive in the USA and the community I had always been a part of-

my 22 YEARS as a waitress and bartender, predominantly.

I received an X-ray through the disability system and a psych evaluation as well. (Car, Ball & Tree) those are three words the man giving me the psych evaluation-told me to remember for the end of our call.

That was April of 2022.

My memory is phenomenal.

At the end of that call, he began to urge that I start accepting this injury-then our call got disconnected.

Mysterious-unless you have been through what I have.

Medical torture.

Did I mention yet that I was regularly participating with Toronto’s Sufi group?

Mostly every week.

I did Sufi practices daily from April 2021 until September 2023, when I left on foot with a Walker and a spinal cord injury Seeking


Medical torture-a term my Sufi mentor actually stated and pointed out.

To say I was concerned for my well being was an understatement.

No matter how much I posted or talked about what I experienced, no one seemed concerned at all. Except me.

I then privately paid a chiropractor to do X-ray images-in which he urged me to stop attending my Sufi meditations and he refused to do the X-ray-even though he was paid for it. He refunded the money for the X-ray and also he broke my right foot back into place, which drastically helped my drop foot-a secondary issue caused by spinal cord injury-

I called it kickstand foot before I learned that term.

Drop foot.

Bonus-I couldn’t feel him breaking my foot back into place-a spinal cord injury, and the benefit of having it fixed was HUGE!

I began re healing my body and instead of using just one walking stick-using two.

It has made a huge difference.

However-a spinal cord injury is permanent, typically-just as that therapist who remembered his humanity, urged me to try and accept this injury, I need to ADAPT to survive it.

They then denied me disability the 2nd time!


This was not a normal, ‘systems will be systems’ move, this was DELIBERATE and

MEDICAL torture

The following paragraph is Worth stating, Again-

It is not my job to investigate, placate or coddle the corrupt government officials that did this. ????

During this time my ex got away with crippling me.

People didn’t want to hear what I was experiencing:

The woman life freedom movement in Iran was amplified and all over the World I watched people speak up for disability inclusion, human rights, woman rights and what it means to be human.

Then I watched the USA make it about hair.

Natural hair vs dyed hair.

Leave it to the USA to make a fierce woman’s movement, about appearance:


In a bad way

I watched the general public be misled and fooled by my abusers and liars, as to what my issues were.





Those Were & still are my issues.

I had to give away traumatically over 1/2 my belongings and I received an unexpected small sum of money so I could store the remainder of my things. I had nowhere to go.

So I left

ON FOOT with an Ambulatory SPINAL CORD INJURY, a Walker and SEEDS.

I believed all would work out.

It didn’t.

However eventually through the right people tapping my phone-I prevented global nuclear war- by pointing out what was going on-so that’s a plus for earth.


Silver linings.

I started a gofundme for me to be able to afford to seek refuge medically in another country.

No one seemed concerned.


This is my life & my ONLY body. That’s right.

I don’t have another waiting for me.

Just this one.

People mindlessly told me to go to the US embassy.

Why would I go to the US embassy?

I had to LEAVE the USA to seek adequate medical care. For a spinal cord injury.

I had already wrote to the president and government officials.

They didn’t do anything as I left on foot. With a Walker and a spinal cord injury:

So where do we go when injustice occurs here in the USA?

Where do I hashtag?

Who do I trust?

And how do I make the American public understand what they evidently blindly ignore?

I was denied disabiity the 3rd time.

Putting me in serious danger:

Because of the dangerous people HERE in the USA.????????





The reason I’m repeating some of this is because I am STILL experiencing it!!!

Next week I am going to get into

More detail about the dangers I faced, the threats I received, the mindlessness of the general public as I posted & the very real

Concerns I have about our state, country and the World and the horrific industry that is human trafficking!!!

I am

Katherine Lily Mae Harris

38 in 2024

USA citizen

A woman

Who deserves her life and dignity and my freedom without medical torture, oppression and this very real unacceptable situation.

????I don’t want to bring a lawsuit against anyone-

I want them to do something they have never had to do, yet.

Have ACCOUNTABILITY and remember their HUMANITY.

I am not a number.

I’m a human being.